What is distinctive about Jesuit education? Character formation. Our aim is to develop students in every dimension of the person so that they will become men of character, ready to serve God, capable of making a great difference in the lives of others.
Overseeing faith programs is Campus Ministry, which plans and leads retreats, school liturgies, mission trips, social justice initiatives, and leadership opportunities in these areas.
All students complete class retreats as freshmen and sophomores before making an overnight retreat junior year. Seniors are granted opportunities to lead retreats, like Kairos or Wilderness, which are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
The Fr. Thomas Gafney, S.J. ’50 Mission Trip Program sends students to domestic and international destinations in pursuit of service, learning and faith-formation. These summer immersion experiences are open to students after sophomore year.
From the history of the Church and the Jesuits, to Scripture, prayer, morality, and the life of Jesus Christ, the Theology Department helps young men understand and grow in their Catholic faith.
All students are required to complete Sophomore Service, a structured service-learning program that introduces young Ignatius men to the needs of the community around them. Students are placed at service sites around the west side of Cleveland.
All adults in the Saint Ignatius community are invited to grow in relationship with God and deepen their faith through a wide array of programs available to parents, alumni, grandparents, coaches and neighbors.
All Saint Ignatius employees participate in a five-year faith formation program, structured to introduce them to our mission and identity as a Jesuit school. Groups meet twice monthly for short lessons and faith-sharing.
From seasonal and annual retreats, to reunions and Masses, to daily prayer emails, we offer our alumni many ways to continue their Ignatian spirituality well beyond graduation.
C.A.T. is the umbrella service organization at Saint Ignatius and gathers weekly for all students to discuss and share about those whom they serve. Programs include Labre, Pallbearers, the Christmas Food Drive and more than a dozen others.
The community outreach arm of Saint Ignatius, Arrupe is the home to several after-school programs for neighborhood children and one of the city’s largest summer camps.
Parents, alumni, employees, neighbors and friends can participate in retreats, prayer services and spiritual direction offered by our Spirituality Program for Adults. Regular events are open to all throughout the year.