Calling all future wildcats! Join us for our 2024 Open House

Explore all Saint Ignatius has to offer at our Fall Open House on Sunday, September 29!

Saint Ignatius High School

Dominican Republic

A two-week mission trip, 10 students travel to a rural community in the Dominican Republic where they live with a host family and work on an intensive labor project. Students gain new perspectives on developing countries and their own lifestyles.

One of the longest-running Saint Ignatius mission trips, the D.R. provides students with a physically demanding but tremendously impactful experience. Participants learn about the history and culture of this Caribbean island nation, work in a Haitian batey and explore the City of Santiago. The highlight of the trip is a 10-day stay in a rural campo, where students work on a major project (often digging latrines) and are housed by a local family. This trip is coordinated through Creighton University’s Institute for Latin American Concern.

  • Mission Trips

    The Fr. Thomas Gafney, S.J. ’50 Mission Trip Program sends students to domestic and international destinations in pursuit of service, learning and faith-formation. These summer immersion experiences are open to students after sophomore year.

Dominican Republic Trip Leaders