Etymology Word of the Week – As some of you know, in addition to working in the Admissions Office, I also teach Latin at Saint Ignatius and am something of a "word nerd." Thus, each week, I’ll sneak a vocabulary word (sometimes derived from Latin, sometimes not) into the e-blast. Here, then, is this week’s edition of the Etymology Word of the Week.
Unanimous - “of one mind; in complete agreement.” From the Latin numeral unus, una, unum meaning “one” and the Latin noun animus, animi, masc. meaning “spirit, mind, life, soul, breath” (all information is from, and/or
RELATED WORDS/PHRASES – animal, animate, animation, inanimate (object), equanimity (fairness), magnanimous (generous, noble), pusillanimous (cowardly), animus (hostility), animosity; unicycle, universe, uniform
SAMPLE SENTENCE - “Aidan was unanimously voted a captain by his fellow teammates.”
INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” Bill Gates - American business magnate, software developer, and philanthropist