2025 Scholarship Drive

Student-driven. Student-focused. The annual Scholarship Drive raises more than $600,000 for tuition assistance.

Saint Ignatius High School

Alumni Association

Established in 1949, the Saint Ignatius High School Alumni Association began with The Hon. John V. Corrigan '38 elected as the first president. Our membership has now reached more than 18,000 alumni.

Our alumni support us by how they live out what was taught to them while they were students, by how they raise their families, how they treat their co-workers, how they serve the community - they make others want to be a part of our family.

Tom Healey '77
Theology Department
Co-Moderator: Cats Kick Kids Cancer
Co-Moderator: Kick It for Kevin
Tom Healey '77 <br> Theology Department <br> Co-Moderator: Cats Kick Kids Cancer <br> Co-Moderator: Kick It for Kevin image
Getting Involved
There are numerous ways to stay connected with Saint Ignatius after graduation. To get started, you may want to:
  • Volunteer for the various Alumni Association Committees
  • Attend school sanctioned events - sporting events and activities
  • Be present at the 7:20 a.m. Mass held every Friday during the school year
  • Participate in the annual alumni retreat (February) and spiritual gatherings
  • Attend Reunion Weekend (volunteer opportunities available for non-reunion years)
  • Organize alumni events and programs in your community
  • Explore service opportunities
  • Join social media networks and discussion groups (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)
  • Support the Annual Fund
  • Alumni Executive Council

    The AEC works with the Director of Alumni Relations to engage alumni through fundraising, networking and various events. Events include the Alumni and Senior Golf Outings, Saint Ignatius Connections Networking events, the Bellarmine Luncheon, the Alumni Memorial Mass, the St. Ignatius Feast Day Mass, happy hours and athletic events.