2025 Scholarship Drive

Student-driven. Student-focused. The annual Scholarship Drive raises more than $600,000 for tuition assistance.

Saint Ignatius High School

Financial Information & Tuition Assistance

Our goal is to keep a Saint Ignatius education accessible regardless of a family’s financial background.

The benefactors of Saint Ignatius allow me to have the honor of attending this school and the alumni show me what comes of people who graduate from the school. Saint Ignatius sends out Men for Others and forms men who give back.

Rafael Amparo ’22
Rafael Amparo ’22 image

Through merit scholarships, need-based financial aid, and state scholarships, all families are eligible for financial assistance.

For more than half of the students who walk our halls, the transformational experience of a Saint Ignatius education would be only a dream were it not for the generosity of alumni, parents and friends. Through the Annual Fund, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) Scholarship Programs, and Merit or Endowed Scholarships, we are able to provide students of all backgrounds and situations who wish to attend our school the opportunity to do so. Payment plans are available for families in order to provide the most flexibility possible. We encourage you to view our Frequently Asked Questions document to learn more.

Saint Ignatius High School participates in the Cleveland Scholarship ProgramEdChoice Scholarship Program, EdChoice Expansion Scholarship Program, and Jon Peterson Scholarship Program.*

*The number of students we are able to accommodate through the Jon Peterson Scholarship program is limited. See Student Support Services for more information.


Prospective Students 

  • Saint Ignatius High School offers need-based tuition assistance. All prospective students who would like to apply for tuition assistance for the 2025-26 school year must complete a FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment to gather and analyze family financial information to assess a parent’s ability to pay tuition. This application must be completed online at: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3x0VC.

  • All documents must be uploaded to the website above. The application is mobile friendly.

  • Families who complete this process will receive an estimated tuition assistance award in writing by early January (with conditional requirement to apply for either the Cleveland, EdChoice, or Expansion scholarship once 2025-2026 forms are available through the Ohio Department of Education).

  • Only one application needs to be completed for all high schools to which the student is applying. 

  • The amount of tuition assistance is based upon a family’s financial need. Saint Ignatius High School strives to assess each family’s financial situation based on their unique circumstances. Complete, accurate and timely information is required. Applications submitted after the deadline and/or with incomplete or inaccurate information may result in reduction or denial of tuition assistance. 

  • It is important to note that the deadline for prospective students (Class of 2029) is several months earlier than the deadline for returning students (Classes of 2026, 2027 and 2028). Families with a returning student and a prospective student must complete an application for their prospective student(s) by November 15, 2024 (based on their 2023 tax return) and complete an application for their returning student(s) by May 1, 2025 (based on their 2024 tax return).

  • Saint Ignatius accepts the Cleveland Scholarship, EdChoice Scholarship, EdChoice Expansion Scholarship, and Jon Peterson Scholarship* from the Ohio Department of Education. The applications and renewal forms are available in February.

  • All families qualify for a state scholarship through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. In order to be eligible for need-based tuition assistance from Saint Ignatius, each student must also apply for one of the available ODEW scholarships once forms are available in February 2025. 

Current Students 

  • All current students who would like to apply for Tuition Assistance for the 2025-26 school year must complete the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment Application by May 1, 2025. This application must be completed online at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3x0VC

  • This application will require your 2024 income tax information. FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment Application and all supporting documentation can be uploaded the FACTS website.

  • Please note that if you have already completed the FACTS Grant & Aid Application in the fall with your 2023 income tax information you will need to upload your 2024 income information into the system to be considered for aid for the 2025-26 school year. 

  • In order to receive Saint Ignatius High School tuition assistance, all families must also apply for one of the Ohio Department of Education scholarships (Cleveland, EdChoice, EdChoice Expansion, or Jon Peterson).
*The number of students we are able to accommodate through the Jon Peterson Scholarship program is limited. See Student Support Services for more information.
  • Annual Fund

    The Annual Fund helps provide tuition assistance to over 50% of the student body. Your support, at any level, along with the gifts of other members of our community are a critical component in meeting the financial needs of those families that otherwise would not be able to afford a Saint Ignatius education.

  • Merit Scholarships

    Renewable merit scholarships are available to students who score higher than a 93 on our Admissions Test. Students scoring a 93-96 will receive a $3,000 merit scholarship annually, and students who score a 97-99 on our Entrance Exam will receive a $6,000 merit scholarship annually. Recipients must remain in good disciplinary standing with our Assistant Principal of Student Discipline. All of these students will be known as Ignatian Scholars.
