As some of you know, in addition to being the Director of Admissions, Pat O'Rourke '90 also teaches Latin at Saint Ignatius and is a self-proclaimed "word nerd." Thus, each week, he sneaks a vocabulary word (sometimes derived from Latin, sometimes not) into our Admissions eNews. Here, then, is this week’s edition of the
Etymology Word of the Week.
Arrive - "to reach one's destination"
- ORIGINALLY meant "to reach land; to reach the end of a journey by sea” from the Latin preposition
ad meaning "to, near, toward" and the Latin noun
ripa, ripae, fem. meaning "shore, (steep) bank of a river." (All information is from, and/or
RELATED WORDS/PHRASES – riparian, ria (Spanish word for river)
Sample sentence – "With the celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit today, we know that the dawn of a new school year has truly arrived."
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