Cornucopia - "bygone symbol of abundance and nourishment, often depicted as a horn-shaped container overflowing with fruits and other foods; frequently called a 'horn of plenty.' " From the Latin noun cornu, cornus (neut.) meaning "horn" and the Latin noun copia, copiae (fem.) meaning "plenty," or in the genitive case, as here, "of plenty." (All information is from, and/or
Sample sentence – “You will not often see or hear the word 'cornucopia' without seeing the adjective 'veritable' in front of it."
ABBREVIATION OF THE WEEK: A.M.D.G. is short for Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, which translates to "For the Greater Glory of God." A.M.D.G. is the Latin motto of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Ad is a preposition that means "To" or "For" and takes accusative objects; Gloriam is its accusative object. Maiorem is a comparative adjective that means "greater" and modifies Gloriam. Dei is the genitive form of Deus, which means "God," or "of God" in this case. You may also have seen this word in the phrases Agnus Dei ("Lamb of God") from Latin Mass or Opus Dei ("Work of God") from the Roman Catholic Church or the novel The Da Vinci Code.
GUESS THE APHORISM OF THE WEEK: A fool and his money... (scroll for the answer)
Aphorism of the week answer: ...are soon parted.