Our top priority at Saint Ignatius is always the health and safety of all our students. As such, we continue to monitor information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
May 8, 2020
We truly will not know what to expect in regards to the opening of school in the fall, but rest assured, we will be ready. Regardless of the format, we will continue to prioritize fostering in your sons a culture of faith, service and justice that exists at Saint Ignatius. A Jesuit education prioritizes character formation. Therefore, our goal is to continue to develop your sons in every facet of who they are as individuals so that they will become men of character, ready to serve God and willing to make a difference in the lives of others.
In case you missed it, please check your parent email account for an important message from our Vice President of Finance Richard Klingshirn regarding the establishment of the Saint Ignatius High School Family Tuition Relief Program. The program will provide tuition reduction grants for the 2020-2021 school year to families who are experiencing a direct economic hardship due to the pandemic. This program is in addition to our normal annual financial aid investment and is available to all families. Grants will be determined based on need as documented in a streamlined application process. Details are contained in the email, and we have also sent a letter to everyone’s home as well.
Below are some updates and reminders as we enter prepare to enter the last week of formal instruction:
- Friday, May 15th marks the final day of instruction. Students need to complete all assignments in a timely fashion so that teachers can grade their students’ work and in turn update PowerSchool.
- Next Friday, May 15th, is also significant in that we will hold our annual closing Mass of the school year at 11 a.m. -- only this year it will be broadcast online. Stay tuned for an email from Mr. Pacetti with more details.
- May 18th -- May 28th: Students must utilize this time to complete late work and submit the assignments to their teachers. No assignments will be accepted after May 28th.
Summer Course Offerings
The following online classes will be available to qualified students this summer:
Public Speaking
Our Assistant Principal for Academics, Mr. Stewart will send an email to parents outlining the offerings with instructions on how to register for these online classes, payment information etc.
April 20, 2020
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced today that schools will continue distance learning and therefore our Virtual Learning Protocol will continue through the end of the school year.
With our campus remaining closed for the rest of the school year and the continued uncertainty of social distancing regulations for the near future, we have made plans for alternatives to the original end-of-year events for our seniors.
We have professed from the onset of COVID-19 that we are not in favor of a "virtual graduation" conducted online as a means of replacing the traditional ceremony that is so cherished by our students and families. Therefore, we have scheduled the following dates for you to mark and keep open so we can gather properly as a community to honor the class of 2020:
Graduation: July 31st
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Saint Ignatius High School Campus
Graduation Mass: July 26th
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Saint Ignatius High School Campus
As I am sure you understand, these dates have been chosen in our best efforts to avoid any barriers to gathering as a community. July 31st is also the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, so it is quite fitting for our young men to graduate on this day when the entire world is honoring our patron saint.
Below are some anticipated FAQs:
Q: What will graduation consist of?
A: We will strive to replicate/include all the same components of our graduations of the past. One thing to keep in mind is that we have held graduation on campus in the past, so it is not unknown territory for us. Seniors will wear their blue blazers, graduation ties etc. Each senior will walk across the stage and receive his diploma from Fr. Ray. The student speeches and awards will also take place as usual. We will film the graduation and make the video available to families online. We will print the same graduation programs as always and have them available for families.
Q: Who will be able to attend the graduation and graduation Mass?
A. The nature of the ceremonies will depend upon what we are permitted to do at the given time. Suffice it to say, the graduation and graduation Mass will likely be much smaller in size and regulated to immediate family members only.
Q: Why hold the events on the school campus? Why not hold them at the original venues or select new ones?
A: The original venues (Public Hall for graduation & the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist for graduation Mass) cannot hold an indefinite spot for us, and reserving them for the new dates is not feasible since we do not know the size and scope of ceremony we will be permitted to conduct at that time. Holding the events on our school campus gives us the needed flexibility to adjust to whatever norms and protocols may be in place at the time.
Q: What if gatherings of this size are still prohibited in July?
A. In the unfortunate event that this is the case, we are prepared to offer the same ceremonies for our young men during either Thanksgiving or Christmas break. Although they will have gone away to college, we will still welcome them back home for a proper commencement. Let's hope and pray that this is not necessary!
More details about all of the end-of-year ceremonies will be forthcoming. In the meantime, please mark the dates on your calendars.
Thank you in advance for your continued patience and understanding as we strive to make the Class of 2020's transition from students to alumni be memorable and fitting.
March 31, 2020
Governor DeWine extended the order for schools to operate online through May 1, 2020. Therefore, our Virtual Learning Protocol will continue at least through May 1. Accordingly, all school events, athletic practices, competitions and performances are postponed or canceled and our campus will remain closed during this time.
Easter Break will continue as planned from Holy Thursday on April 9 - 19, 2020. Online classes will resume on Monday, April 20, 2020. Hopefully you and your families can enjoy the spring break despite the stay-at-home requirements.
March 22, 2020
Pursuant to the State of Ohio “Stay at Home” order, the Saint Ignatius High School Campus will be closed effective at 8 p.m. today, Monday, March 23, until April 6, 2020.
March 22, 2020
Ohio will be under a "Stay at Home" order beginning March 23 at 11:59 p.m. Beginning tomorrow night, Saint Ignatius High School will no longer be accessible by faculty, staff and students.
March 17, 2020
To ensure that our families in need still have access to breakfast and lunch each school day we are providing all those on Free and Reduced lunch plans with food packages to-go. Special thanks to our Campus Dining staff for preparing and assembling these packages.
Online instruction begins tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18. Students and parents are reminded to check your school-issued email accounts for the most up-to-date instructions. Our teachers have been working hard to assemble a list of tools and schedules that will give students some sense of normalcy and connection in these uncertain times. That being said, it will still be a time in which we are all challenged to stay busy, stay connected, and stay patient.
Our school counselors have made themselves available for our students and families. They are offering advice on how to cope with the uncertainty of this time through their Twitter account. Please follow them @SIHSCounseling for more.
March 13, 2020
Letter from the Principal (3:30 p.m.)
Dear Parents,
Undoubtedly you are aware of Governor DeWine's decision yesterday to close all K-12 schools through April 3rd.
Saint Ignatius High School will comply with the Governor's directive and will utilize our virtual learning protocol beginning on Wednesday, March 18th. We will continue this method until at least April 3rd, at which time we will evaluate how to proceed further. Students and parents will receive a detailed communication on Monday afternoon outlining the expectations of the virtual learning protocol.
Additionally, as a result of this transition, all athletics and extracurricular activities have been canceled during this time frame. This includes all practices, meetings, performances and competitions.
During this time, school offices will remain open for business Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., and administrators will be available should any concerns arise. As always, your son's teachers can be contacted via email. Additionally, the library will be open on Monday and Tuesday of next week from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. should your son have a need to borrow any equipment over the extended school closure. Available items include: Chromebook laptop, Chromebook power cord, calculator, Kajeet mobile hotspot for home Internet access. Please email Mrs. Streen at mstreen@ignatius.edu or Ms. Preske at epreske@ignatius.edu with equipment requests prior to visiting campus.
On Monday, March 16th, our faculty and staff will meet on campus to continue the preparation of our virtual learning protocol. There are no classes on Monday, and students will not be required to interact with teachers online. As mentioned above, we will email students and parents the detailed outline of the virtual learning protocol on Monday.
On Tuesday, March 17th, we will be honoring the free day awarded from the success of the Scholarship Drive. There are no classes on Tuesday, and students will not be required to interact with teachers online.
On Wednesday, we will begin the virtual learning protocol. Please know that our main objective with an online learning component in such a unique situation will be to focus on the continued support and formation of your sons. We will strive to balance their academic development with their ongoing need for connection and affirming relationships with our teachers.
Please try to enjoy the extended weekend in spite of all that is happening in the world. The Saint Ignatius community is here for you and your sons, and we will endeavor to make them feel safe and supported regardless of any barriers we may encounter.
God bless the work.
Dan Bradesca
March 12, 2020
Letter from the Principal (2 p.m.)
Dear Parents,
As you know, we have canceled parent/teacher conferences scheduled for this evening. Should you have a pressing concern, please feel free to contact your son's teachers via email. Our faculty is more than willing to work with you should you need some individual help.
As we look ahead, there are obviously many questions still unanswered for all of us as our entire nation adjusts to the unknown this pandemic has placed upon us. Let me reassure you that we as a school community will prioritize our communication with you as parents as we continue to adjust.
Below are some updates I would like to share with you:
1. Tomorrow our faculty will be meeting to prepare for a potential future closing of the school and a shift to a virtual learning protocol. Details regarding this will be shared as they become necessary.
2. On Monday, March 16th we will not have classes. School will be closed so that teachers may continue their training for a potential online learning transition.
3. IOWA testing scheduled for Monday, March 16th will be postponed. We have extreme flexibility in regards to when we give the IOWA tests, and the rescheduled date will be determined once we are in a more stable situation.
4. Tuesday, March 17th will remain a free day for students, and no classes will be held.
It is likely that between now and next Tuesday, we will have a better idea of what the future will hold for us in regards to closing school for an extended period of time. As a reminder, should it become necessary to modify our school day or in fact close school, we would only do so under the guidance of the Cleveland Department of Public Health.
That being said, the next time your sons could potentially be back in school will be next Wednesday, March 18th. However, there is a distinct possibility that by that time a school closure may be enacted.
Please begin your own planning as a family for this potentiality. We are committed to keeping your son's online learning productive and enriching, but we are also very aware of the uncertainty and stress such a paradigm shift might be for him. We will not inundate your son with busy work, but we will keep him on task and engaged. This will be a new experience for all of us, and we are most successful when we work together and keep the lines of communication open and flowing.
As you can imagine, a decision regarding school closings may come at anytime. In the meantime, stay calm and don't forget to wash your hands! :)
Dan Bradesca
March 12, 2020
Update from the Principal’s Office (updated at 1:10 p.m.)
Saint Ignatius High School will remain on an early dismissal schedule today, Thursday, March 12.
Parent-Teacher conferences this evening have been CANCELLED out of an abundance of caution. A mass gathering of so many people in this current situation is not advisable.
The SAT scheduled for Saturday, March 14, on campus has been CANCELLED. The rescheduled date is May 2.
March 10, 2020
Letter to families from Principal Dan Bradesca ’88
Dear parents,
Yesterday, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) was confirmed in three cases in Cuyahoga county. There are
no known cases of the Coronavirus in the Saint Ignatius High School community at this time. An immediate question you might have as a result of this news is
“Will Saint Ignatius High School close because of the Coronavirus?”
The decision to close school or alter the usual routine for health-related reasons such as the Coronavirus would never be made in isolation, but rather in collaboration with state and local (county and/or city) health departments.
Should it become necessary to modify our school day or in fact close school, we would only do so under the guidance of the Cleveland Department of Public Health.
Reasoned planning and responsible care for our students, faculty and staff will guide our response in the face of this emerging public health situation. Should there become a need for us to temporarily close, our faculty and staff will utilize PowerSchool to facilitate online virtual learning for both short and extended periods of time if necessary. Details on the nature of online virtual instruction will be forthcoming should it become necessary.
In the meantime, students are encouraged to begin bringing home on a nightly basis any essential items they might normally leave in their lockers, such as textbooks, chargers, personal valuables etc.
A few updates:
In regards to overseas travel, Saint Ignatius High School has cancelled all school-sponsored international travel over spring break, including the scheduled arrival of exchange students from France. We are currently evaluating planned summer trips and other summer activities and will communicate any changes as they become necessary.
As spring break draws closer, you are encouraged to review
travel warnings issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Should you and your family still choose to travel to high-risk areas, please know that health officials will likely direct you to self-quarantine upon your return.
Saint Ignatius High School will also ask that your family follow all health protocols in such a situation.
Below is an FAQ for the short term regarding Saint Ignatius High School and the COVID-19 Virus:
Q: What actions will Saint Ignatius High School take if a sick student or staff member attended school before being confirmed as a COVID-19 case?
In this case, Cleveland Department of Public Health officials may recommend a temporary school closing. Such a decision would be made based on the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the specific cases in the Saint Ignatius community. The closing could be 14 days or longer, depending on the situation.
Saint Ignatius High School will work with the Cleveland Department of Public Health to communicate any possible COVID-19 exposure to our school community. If a student or staff member has been identified with COVID-19, the school will seek guidance from the Cleveland Department of Public Health to determine when students and staff should return to school and what additional steps are needed for our school community.
Q: What will Saint Ignatius High School do if it experiences an increased rate of absenteeism?
Our school nurse will continually monitor student attendance. If there is a substantial increase in the number of students or staff missing school due to illness, we will report this to the Cleveland Department of Public Health and follow their instructions regarding a potential decision to close school.
Q: What will Saint Ignatius High School do if there are confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the school?
A: We would likely deploy a temporary school closing of 14 days, or possibly longer, if a student or staff member is confirmed as having COVID-19. Any decision to close school or the cancellation of school events would be made in coordination with the Cleveland Department of Public Health. Schools are not expected to make decisions about closing and event cancellation independent of their local health officials.
Q: How will we be notified if school is closed due to the Coronavirus?
As with any emergency cancellation of classes, the decision to close school for any period of time will always be communicated via SchoolMessenger. Students and families should not rely on social media posts or television broadcasts.
Q: If school is closed, how long will it be closed?
A: The length (duration), geographic scope, and public health objective of a school closing may be reassessed and changed as the local outbreak situation evolves. At this time, the recommendation is for at least 14 days. This recommendation may be updated as the situation evolves.
Q: Are there ways for students to keep learning if we decide to close school?
A: Yes. We are currently preparing a protocol for our students and teachers to follow utilizing PowerSchool. We are planning a short-term virtual learning protocol as well as an extended closure plan should it become necessary. These protocols will be shared as they become ready and/or are necessary.
Q: If school is closed, what will happen to extracurricular activities and sports?
In the event that we close school, extracurricular group activities and large events, such as performances, field trips, and sporting events will also be cancelled. This includes after-school practices. This decision will be made in close coordination with the OHSAA and other area schools.
Q: If school is closed, what will be done prior to re-opening the building to students?
A: The CDC is currently working on additional guidance to help schools determine when and how to re-open their buildings to students. Saint Ignatius High School will follow the guidance of the CDC and the Cleveland Department of Public Health before reopening.
As always, thank you for allowing us to teach your sons.
Dan Bradesca ’88