2025 Scholarship Drive

Student-driven. Student-focused. The annual Scholarship Drive raises more than $600,000 for tuition assistance.

Saint Ignatius High School

Daily Announcements

Check here for updates on extracurriculars, college visits, service news and the cafeteria menu.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Daily Prayer video for today, led by senior Michael Chopra: https://youtu.be/oDmXcQ7vPJQ
DAILY MASS AND EXAMEN - Please join us for today's Daily Mass (11:00am) and our Daily Examen (1:20pm) on https://www.ignatiuswildcats.com/sibn-live#/ led by the Jesuit Community and Campus Ministry.  The Mass and Examen are also archived for you to watch later in the day in case you can't tune in live.   
YOGA SESSIONS:  There are 2 separate Zoom meetings for yoga running through the end of May. A 6:15pm slow flow and a 7:30 power flow. These sessions are open to all of the Ignatius community.
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings:
6:15 pm - 7:00 pm: Check email for Zoom details.
7:15 pm - 8:15 pm: Check email for Zoom details.
SCOPE will be hosting a free yoga session for students, faculty and staff this Wednesday at 4pm. Theresa from Vision Yoga will host an all-levels class. This will be a great way to de-stress and recenter yourself in this uncertain time. See instructions below to join- see you on the mat! Contact Mrs. Holz or Mrs. Colborn with any questions. 
Wednesday May 6 4:00 pm 
Visit the Vision Yoga and Wellness page on Facebook, under Groups, join the Vision Board. 
You may want to do this in advance so you are ready to go at 4:00. 
C.A.T. MEETING: This Thursday and every Thursday through the end of the school year, the Christian Action Team will have a virtual C.A.T. meeting at 3 p.m. All students are welcome to join us! Check email for Zoom details.
Arrupe is also going to be reaching out to senior citizens at a local senior apartment building.  A simple phone call for 10 minutes, twice a week, to establish a relationship and check in on some members that are being impacted by social distancing.  If you are interested, email Mr. Valletta at pvalletta@ignatius.edu.
CAMPUS MINISTRY - Please join us for our weekly Campus Ministry meeting! While we may be physically distancing from one another, we are still able to be in solidarity with each other socially.  We are having a Zoom meeting this Wednesday May 6th at 3:00pm. As usual, there will be prayer, sharing, and fun - all are welcome! Check email for Zoom details.
WALTON CENTER:  Looking for social interaction + academic support?
Was the Walton Center your space for social interaction, extra support with your work, or the place that helped you get started on an assignment?  Or do you need that type of interaction now that you are at home? The {virtual} Walton Center is open for business! Everyday, we have a drop-in hour on Zoom that anyone is welcome to join, even if you have never been to the Walton Center before.  Our staff has additional office hours and is available by appointment, just email the staff you would like to work with - and if you aren’t sure who would be a good match or where to start, email our Director, Ms. Samek: esamek@ignatius.edu.
Here are the hours and staff members as well as the Zoom Link and Password:
Day Time Staff    
12:00 - 1:00
Ms. Samek
(Freshman general support, math support, general organization and study skill support)
3:00 - 4:00
Mrs. Kowalczyk (Mrs. K)
(Upperclassman general support, English support, general organization and study skill support)
3:00 - 4:00
Ms. Clark
(Sophomore and freshman general support, general organization  and study skill support)
3:00 - 4:00
Ms. Bielecki (Ms. B)
(History, English, Theology support, general support)
12:00 - 1:00
Ms. Downs
(Math support, general organization and study skill support)
For more news, visit ignatius.edu/news to read the latest from Saint Ignatius!