Monday, May 21, 2018
LUNCHTIME MASS: fr. Guiao, S.J. will celebrate Mass today during 5th period (11:00) in the Companions Chapel. All are welcome to attend.
Final Exam BLUE AND GOLD Dress Down: Your one-time $5 donation to Kick It for Kevin enables you to enjoy blue and gold dress down days during all final exams. If you have any questions please see Mr. Brennan or Mr. Healey. Thank you for your help. BLUE AND GOLD ATTIRE ONLY, PLEASE.
Drivers' Ed classes will be held at St. Ignatius during the Summer months. The first Summer Drivers' Ed course begins on May 29 at 9:00 am in Loyola Hall, third floor (room tba). Pick up a Summer Drivers' Ed flyer at the Student Life office for
a complete Summer schedule and registration information. Or, go to:
Attention all members of this year’s freshman basketball teams, please come to a brief meeting today at 3 p.m. in room 237.
Daily Campus Dining Menu 5-21-2018
Station |
Special |
Main Line
Action Station
Pizza Station
Grill Station
Soup Station
Fryer Station
**indicates gluten-free option, please ask