2025 Scholarship Drive

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Saint Ignatius High School

Saint Ignatius Student Fills a Need

Rithvik Ayyagari '22 has joined forces with other student leaders throughout the United States to form TeleHealth Access for Seniors.
Rithvik Ayyagari '22 has joined forces with other student leaders throughout the United States to form TeleHealth Access for Seniors. The nonprofit seeks donations of devices for the senior community to be used for TeleHealth appointments with their physicians.

During this time of COVID-19, many were concerned about keeping in-person doctor appointments, but did not have access to an iPhone or tablet. Ayyagari didn’t want that to be a barrier. The group has donated more than 700 devices nationally and 65 locally. They also offer training as needed.

“We heard from a lot of physicians how older patients just didn't have the devices to use TeleHealth but needed it the most,” says Ayyagari. “We quickly realized there was a need and started our nonprofit, and we now have volunteers in 20 states and the District of Columbia.”

Ayyagari’s already forging ahead with his career plans, despite his young age. He is a member of the Saint Ignatius Pre-Med Society as well as the Science Olympiad Team and Model UN. He is an intern in the Pathology Department at Case Western Reserve University with an ultimate career goal to be a neurosurgeon.

Just last week Ayyagari was at the Cleveland Clinic’s Miller Building (Heart and Vascular Institute) to donate the most recent collection.