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Saint Ignatius High School

A Spirit-Led Compass

Dr. Terra Caputo and Mr. Patrick Gallagher '04 tell the story of the creation of the Center for Ignatian Pedagogy (CIP) and how it inspires deeper teaching and learning through action research. This article was featured in the JSN Hemispheres Newsletter.


Written by Dr. Terra Caputo and Mr. Patrick Gallagher '04 for the JSN Hemispheres Newsletter
The Center for Ignatian Pedagogy at Saint Ignatius High School emerged out of the deliberate, prayerful, and collaborative experience of communal discernment that led to our strategic plan, Vision ’30. This spirit-led compass for the next phase of our pilgrimage as a school directs us to embrace innovative curricular design, a commitment to deep learning, a unified culture of professional learning, and student-centered Ignatian pedagogy informed by research in the science of teaching and learning. 

To help us accomplish these goals, we created the Center for Ignatian Pedagogy (CIP), an institutional action research center and learning lab that will study the cognitive, affective, and behavioral growth and wellness of adolescent boys. Inspired by the findings of Stanford’s Challenge Success study on student engagement during the pandemic, and recognizing the need – now more than ever – to meet our students authentically where they are, the CIP conducted an internal study of student engagement.

The findings of this study are galvanizing a series of action research projects, studying student learning and engagement led by our pilot group of Student Research Fellows. In collaboration with faculty researchers and mentors, our students will be empowered to develop action research projects using frameworks modeled on the IPP and powered by Ignatian discernment. By partnering with our students to initiate complex questions about their learning, we can authentically accompany them in the creation of a hope-filled future.