Q & A:
What are the Standard Daily Classes?
Humanities (English/Social Studies), Math, Science, Theology, Languages, Physical Education, Music/Art, Advisory
What makes going to school at the academy different?
Our daily Advisory class focused on social-emotional growth of our students, project-based learning, affinity courses, and a faith-based education that is rooted in Jesuit ideals.
What is Project-Based Learning and Why Do You Teach This Way?
Project-based learning starts with an essential question or situation that the learning in class seeks to answer. Lessons are designed on what students need to know in order to let students answer that question or navigate the situation. Student voice and choice are priorities, letting each student decide how to present his results to classmates and teachers. Questions vary by academic subject area. Teaching this way allows students to understand the practical, real-world implications of what they learn in class, as well as lets different subjects collaborate to answer a question.
Example of essential questions in project-based learning:
Math and Science: Who can build the strongest structure out of rocks and soil?
Humanities: What can I do to serve my community?
What is the Grading System Like?
The academy uses a standards-based grading system that evaluates students individually, based on their mastery and understanding of various subjects, as well as their habits and behaviors as students. During evaluations, students who do not meet expectations have time to practice, re-learn and re-take the assessment. Standards are set for each subject area as well as overall academic habits.
What is Advisory?
Advisory is a meeting between teachers and students in small groups. A pair of teachers/staff ("advisors") will meet with 6-7 students to build community, form relationships and provide support. An advisor is someone a student can go to if they have any issues. There is a curriculum that includes goal-setting, accountability, expectations as well as programming from Facing History & Ourselves.
What is Social-Emotional Learning?
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is how people learn and develop skills for understanding and managing emotions, creating healthy relationships and making good decisions. These skills and behaviors help the boys mature and continue to develop as they become young men.
School Day Snapshot
Time |
Schedule |
7:30 a.m. |
Breakfast provided daily |
8 a.m. |
Morning meeting |
8:25 a.m. |
Math or Humanities (with built-in break) |
9:40 a.m. |
Languages or Fine Arts |
10:25 a.m. |
Independent Reading |
10:50 a.m. |
Lunch provided daily (Advisory period) |
11:25 a.m. |
Recess |
11:55 a.m. |
Science or Humanities (with built-in break) |
1:35 p.m. |
Social-Emotional Learning or Art |
2:25 p.m. |
Phys Ed or Theology |
3:15 p.m. |
Snack provided daily |
3:25 p.m. |
Affinity courses |
4:30 p.m. |
Flex time |
5 p.m. |
End of day, departure
*School dismisses at 3:30 p.m. each Friday