For more than 86 years, Saint Ignatius High School students have planned and executed a massive Christmas food drive that annually delivers 700 food baskets to needy Cleveland families. The student Core Team meets once weekly for about six weeks leading up to the food drive day, which usually occurs the Saturday before Christmas. In the three weeks leading up to Christmas vacation, the Saint Ignatius community donates “4 cans, 4 dollars, 4 others” to fill the baskets; this work, as well as assembling the baskets and coordinating delivery, is the responsibility of the Core Team. The student Core Team meets once weekly for about six weeks leading up to the food drive day, which will take place on:
Saturday, December 16, 2023
The day begins with Mass at 8:30 a.m. in St. Mary of the Assumption Chapel, followed by breakfast in Rade Dining Hall and basket delivery to homes throughout the greater Cleveland area.
Students, families, alumni and friends are invited to join us. Maps, addresses and contact information are provided to those making deliveries. No sign-up is needed; just show up!
The Core Team begins meeting in early November. Expectations of student Core Team members include:
- Attendance at weekly food drive planning and formation meetings
- Active participation in assigned tasks
- Assistance with phone calls and map-making
- Basket assembly and filling on Christmas in Our Community Day (Friday, December 15)
- Enthusiastic participation in Mass and loading baskets into cars on Delivery Day (Saturday, December 16)
- Completing deliveries on Delivery Day in small groups as directed by adult team