2025 Scholarship Drive

Student-driven. Student-focused. The annual Scholarship Drive raises more than $600,000 for tuition assistance.

Saint Ignatius High School

Dominican Republic

A two-week mission trip, 10 students travel to a rural community in the Dominican Republic where they live with a host family and work on an intensive labor project. Students gain new perspectives on developing countries and their own lifestyles.

One of the longest-running Saint Ignatius mission trips, the D.R. provides students with a physically demanding but tremendously impactful experience. Participants learn about the history and culture of this Caribbean island nation, work in a Haitian batey and explore the City of Santiago. The highlight of the trip is a 10-day stay in a rural campo, where students work on a major project (often digging latrines) and are housed by a local family. This trip is coordinated through Creighton University’s Institute for Latin American Concern.

  • Mission Trips

    The Fr. Thomas Gafney, S.J. ’50 Mission Trip Program sends students to domestic and international destinations in pursuit of service, learning and faith-formation. These summer immersion experiences are open to students after sophomore year.

Dominican Republic Trip Leaders